Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hodgepodge Wednesday

My computer-savvy quotient is dismally low. Therefore, I asked my tech guru of a husband to spice up this blog space. We are a book-loving family and I was adamant about having book lists with cover pictures on this blog. I know I always scan the book lists on the blogs I frequent, keeping a lookout for new discoveries. So, I certainly wanted to share the favorites we've stumbled upon.

So far, I have a new picture to go with my blog title and two new categories: Top Picks from the Library and Winter Book Basket (and a HUGE thank you to my hubby for being a good sport and devoting a portion of his day off to add these new features. It looks great, sweetie).

The Top Picks from the Library are pretty self-explanatory! :) Except, I'll add that these books are not necessarily my favorites, but the favorites of my children. You know the ones -- the books that they bring to you over and over again, neglecting the other books you so painfully reviewed and selected for their viewing pleasure. At least, that's what happens to me! lol.

The Winter Book Basket contains books we own that pertain to the current season and we keep out all the time. I have a large, grapevine branch basket that sits on the fireplace hearth. I fill it with whatever books from my stash (or new purchases that I saw and couldn't do without--that happens all too frequently!) correspond with the season/holiday; right now being winter, of course. :)

Today we spent the day as a family and we made a special trip to a large open space that we frequented when we had a furry, four-legged family member. Last month we had to put our dog Georgia to sleep. It was completely unexpected, and I didn't get the closure I needed in order to move forward without regret. Anyway, today we scattered her ashes along the route where she used to romp. I told our daughter, who is 3 and a half years old, that we were scattering "fairy dust" to carry Georgia's spirit up to heaven (I couldn't imagine trying to explain what ashes were, and she thankfully accepted the fairy dust explanation. She's 3 and loves fairies and all things magical, so it wasn't a hard sell!). It felt good to honor our dear dog's life and all she gave to us. I'm afraid she felt lost in the shuffle since our son's birth last summer. I hope she still felt loved by us, even though we did put her wants and needs on the back burner toward the end. Our Georgie-porgie was a faithful friend indeed.

Speaking of ashes, we also went to church for Ash Wednesday. Every Lenten season I aspire to deepen my faith and build more time in my daily round for God. I find this an ongoing struggle and I anticipate that this year will be no different. Especially since this year I have a very high-needs baby in the mix. But, I think I will try to incorporate this idea. My son still nurses every 3 hours around the clock, so if I peg prayer time to nursing him, goodness knows I should get plenty of quiet time with God each day.

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