Friday, October 9, 2009

Botanical Goodness

While we normally choose cost-free nature outings, this time we splurged and headed to the botanic gardens. And splurge we did: breakfast and lunch in the different cafes and picnic stands, plus the admission fees gave my husband sticker shock. But it was so worth it, as we got a chance to see so many green, wondrous things we don't have growing in our own backyard:

It never fails to warm my heart to see the way she naturally takes him under her wing. Such a protective and nurturing big sister. At home, when he's tearing down her block towers and cities, it's an entirely different relationship, however!

Bees were everywhere, naturally. On a typical day, the sight of so many bees would be met with shrieking and tears, but Roo was so absorbed in the vast beauty and newness of her surroundings that she didn't even mention the bees (so, wisely, we didn't either).

Normally, Roo stays very close to us when we are in a new setting. But, in this magical place she was constantly bounding ahead, saying,"I wonder what's around that bend? I can't wait to go see. Come on, Mommy!" A few times she strayed a bit too far and nearly took a few innocent bystanders out in her excitement to discover where the path would lead.

We got many, many chuckles and smiles from the other visitors as we passed by them on the paths. They could hear Roo breathlessly telling us to hurry along because we just won't believe what she found around the next corner, "So unbe-WEEvable and a-MAZing!"

Instead of just stumbling upon the next section of the garden, I love how they created an unusual and beautiful entrance.

I told my husband that I'd like to lay a path like the stone one above: that winds around a luscious and bountiful garden at our "someday" home. He glanced at the path, glanced at me, and suggested a rustic, dirt path instead. Hmmn...I think I will take his lack of confidence in my abilities as a challenge. Stay tuned.

While Roo went off exploring with Daddy, I looked for a quiet, out-of-the-way place to nurse Rascal. He had missed his first nap of the day already, and now he was long-overdue for his second nap. To say he was cranky would be an understatement of gargantuan proportions. He and I came across this literal tunnel of vegetation. I liken it to something you would see in an enchanted forest. Beautiful and so secluded. It was much longer and darker than the picture below would have you believe.

As I was coming upon this tree, I thought the trunk was painted green and orange. But, no, it is called Lacebark Pine. Needless to say, I have much to learn.

Don't these look like champagne flutes ready for filling?

Lobster-lovers that we are, I couldn't resist snapping a photo of these lovelies.

All in all, a beautiful and serene way to wile away an Indian Summer kind of day (well, minus the missed naps and subsequent crying--but a small price to pay for the experience). I'm so glad we took time to take in the beauty before the snow hit (as I type this, it is a sleeting/blustery wonderland out there). I noticed a fun Friday "Nature Gathering" of sorts going on at The Magic Onions, so I'm joining in. Stop by there and check out the other "un-beWEEvable" nature experiences!


  1. What a beautiful nature post! Thank you for sharing on Friday's Nature Table. How stunning are those water lily pads? And that pebble path has given me a great idea for the floor of our bathroom we are renovating!!!
    blessings and magic.

  2. What a beautiful nature day out! I do love the pictures of the water lily pads.

  3. Why, thank you for your kind comments, ladies! Yes, those lily pads were awesome. My daughter hung out by the pond's edge for quite some time, hoping to catch glimpse of a frog or two. ;)
