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FOR TODAY: March 16, 2009...
Outside my window..."There are tracks in the snow. Who made the tracks? Where do they go?" :) Those lines pop into my head every single time I read the line, "Outside my window." The book "Tracks in the Snow" permanently resides in our winter reading basket, so it's getting a lot of face time, and its words are never far from my mind apparently.
But, thankfully my real answer has nothing to do with tracks in the snow. There is not a speck of the white stuff on the ground. It's sunny and supposed to be near 70 degrees today. A great day to open the windows and let in a Spring-is-near breeze!
I am thinking... I need to be disciplined about going to bed earlier. As much as I want to get a number of things done after the kids are asleep, I need to remember that my sleep should be a priority. It makes for a much better day when I feel rested (or as rested as one can be after hourly wakings from our littlest little!).
I am thankful for...my sister. She is coming over this afternoon to watch the children for a couple of hours while I get some work accomplished around the house. Or maybe I'll just take a shower and a nap instead??!!
From the kitchen...Chicken Cordon Bleu (before my husband eats all the honey ham and I'll have none left to stuff inside the chicken!), buttered egg noodles, green beans.
I am wearing...black pants (seems to be my standard on Mondays), white top, cream-colored cardigan sweater, black/grey flecked socks
I am creating... a tentative Easter weekend plan: menu, activities, Good Friday and Easter Sunday mass attendance, Easter basket ideas, projects around the house that need doing before entertaining guests.
I am reading..."You're Going to Do What?! Helping You Understand the Homeschool Decision" Of course, I already understand the decision, but I'm thinking my family and in-laws will need help coming to terms with our choice.
I am hoping...to firm up some Lenten resolves. I slacked a bit over the weekend. Only a few weeks left and I want to finish strong. And then, who knows, maybe continue my "sacrifices" beyond Easter? Something to think on...
I am hearing...the churning of the washing machine and the hum of the dryer.
Around the house...the toys seem to have multiplied overnight. I think it's time to put some away in the attic for the time being. The kids won't miss them and they'll be like new again when I unveil them in a month or two!
One of my favorite things...early morning cuddles in bed with my little baby under one arm and my big baby under the other arm.
A few plans for the rest of the week: special crafts and music for St. Patty's Day, another appointment at Children's Hospital, scanning cookbooks for Easter menu ideas.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...tulips coming up in the garden. Oh, how I love tulips!
I love when we can open the windows and let Spring inside! And snuggling with your babies is the best!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your daybook. God bless you and have a wonderful week.